Monday, June 23, 2008

Who is Jesus?

Christianity is not just about a 'blind faith'. It is a faith based on FACT, and the Bible actually gives us an overwhelming evidence that Jesus lived and walked the surface of the earth 2000 years ago and even Roman and Greek historians will agree! One historian reported ..."A man called Christ suffereed the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of Pontius Pilate". Faith teaches us that Christ indeed was more than a man, but a God-Man who came to the world to save us, and liberate us from our sin.
But who really is JESUS?

  • He got human body, got tired and hungry like us! (See John 4v6 and Matthew 45v2)

  • He had Human emotions, He got angry and yes...even got sad! (See Mark 11v15-17 and John 11v32-36)
  • He had human experiences too! He was tempted (Mark 1v13)...Learnt (Luke 2vs46-52) and was Obedient (Unlike most of us!) see Luke 23vs51-52

But was he more than a Man?
Jesus said: I AM...

  • The Bread of Life! (John 6v35)
  • The Light of the World! (John 8v12)
  • The Way, the Truth and the Life! (John 14v6)

  • He also claim that He can actually FORGIVE OUR SINS! Wow! and God can do that! Right?

and Jesus also claimed to be:

  • The Messiah (Meaning, the Annointed or Chosen one) (See Mark 14vs61-62)
  • The Son of God (See Mark 14vs61-62 and John 8v58)

Given all of these evidences, what do youy think of Jesus?

Was He a Mad-Man?A Looney? Telling people weird stuffs like he is a bread etc.? (Well some people during His time thought He actually was a mad man. In fact, he was put to death because of this.
Was He a Bad-Man? That He just made all of it because he finds it very funny and laughing right now because He made us believe of his big joke!
Or was He a God-Man? Who came to the world to save us. Because He loves you and me!It's really up to you!

"Either this man was and is the Son of God, or ealse madman, or something worse''-C.S. Lewis
Source: Youth Alpha Manual

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