Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Journal # 2: Watcha' Still Looking For?

During Jesus’ time, His own people are very much troubled in their life. Like what we are experiencing today, they are living in a troubled world. There is so much poverty, corruption and taxes to pay! (They need to give taxes both to the Romans and the high priests of the temple). And so they are hoping for someone to save them. Perhaps a he is like a superhero, a spiderman or superman like figure. He could also be a king, or an influential person, or a soldier. A guy named, Prophet Isaiah even described this person as a “suffering servant”, but they are really not sure about his identity! But one thing is for certain, they call Him the Messiah – the Chosen One, as prophesized by the prophets of the old. Atlast, then came the Messiah, it is Jesus, the son of a carpenter named Joseph. No wonder they were not able to recognize Hiim because he came from a poor family, in a very simple and humble home. The Messiah has come, but sadly they were not able to recognize Him. And so they continue to become troubled and waiting, and still waiting for the One who already is with them.

Points of Reflection
  • Reflect over God’s great love for us when He gave His only Son to us, Jesus, Who humbled himself to share our humanity and even our poverty.
  • Had there been times when you yourself did not recognize Jesus present in your life? Say a prayer of thanksgiving to Jesus, who is our own superhero, our savior who came to the world to save and remind us of His great love you and for me.
  • It is helpful to keep track of our prayer experiences by keeping a prayer journal. Note down all your feelings, significant movements, and the image of God you met after the prayer period.

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