Sunday, August 10, 2008

Jesus Walks on Water

10 August 2008. 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Matthew 14, 22-33 Faith: Jesus Walks on Water

It seems that the contemporary world of today is in dire need of security, which brings us anxiety and restlessness within. We are constantly anxious of what the future holds, so that most of you may agree and most self-help gurus will tell us: plan and take charge of your life!

The night Pope John Paul II was elected as new pope; his first words were “Do not be afraid”. In his book Crossing the Threshold of Hope, the Pope said that Christ sensed and in fact had known that we are anxious people. That we are afraid, so that He kept addressing this invitation many times in the gospels, when he said “Courage! It is I; don’t be afraid.”

Today once again we have heard how his disciples were terrified themselves perhaps because of the wind that was against them, and found consolation only when they recognized Christ and heard His words “Do not be afraid”. You may ask, of what should we not be afraid? The pope answered that we should not fear the truth about ourselves: our own sinfulness and unworthiness. This is what Peter discovered himself when Christ called him so that he said to Jesus, “Depart from me Lord, for I am a sinful man” And Christ answered him the same words, “Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men”. He knows our anxiety about our own selves and still He comes and continuously invites us to take courage, “Do not be afraid!”

Today we too are invited to take courage and trust in His words of consolation. When we are being tossed and buffeted by the harsh winds in life. When we feel lacking of security. When we do not recognize Him working in our lives, let us take comfort in His words, “Do not be afraid!”

Father we thank you for your words of consolation and invitation for us to take courage! Teach us to trust you and be not afraid to open up and respond generously to your loving will.

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