Thursday, October 9, 2008

Understanding Temptation

Temptation is defined as the enticement to evil, seduction to sin, which leads us away from God. As humans, we are all facing this challenge, even Jesus, being truly human himself was tempted not only once but throughout his ministry here on earth, but unlike us he triumphed over it, he is without a sin.

Temptations in life is there to test our ability to hold fast to Christ's call. Let us remember that it is only the strenght comes from God that we can overcome our own temptations in our lives and to persevere to do good in order to follow Christ more closely.

  • Reflect on those times when you faced temptation. Identify what or whom caused you to be severely tempted.
  • How did you coped with the temptations?
  • Make your own prayer to Jesus, asking for his grace and help for you to overcome your very own temptations in life.

1 comment:

Aimee Capinpuyan said...

ice"...even Jesus, being truly human himself was tempted not only once but throughout his ministry here on earth, but unlike us he triumphed over it, he is without a sin."

Really sir? Jesus experienced temptation? I never knew! When? I mean could you give an example? :)